Wordprocessor - canceling image deplacement is not working

I have a document with pictures in a table (I don’t know if the table matters or not).
I move a picture somewhere else in the table.
I do cancel - it’s ok.
But as soon as I click somewhere else, the picture is back to the cancelled position and impossible to move away:

The file:

thanks for your analysis

Hello @arcqus

We are checking the situation with provided document. I will update the thread once any news come up.

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Sorry for the late reply.
I’d like to inform you that this issue will be fixed in next major release of version 8.0. I will provide you with notification once it is available publicly.

Hello again @arcqus

I’d like to inform you that mentioned issue was fixed in new version 8.0 of Desktop Editors.
Please update your editors, check the issue again and provide a feedback.

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