WOPI locking mechanism error?

Dear all, @ahassain in CC

We are using OnlyOffice Docs version (Docker) in order to edit documents from an ECM suite through the WOPI protocol.

Users are facing issues when opening documents from the ECM suite in OnlyOffice, making some changes, saving those changes in OnlyOffice, then closing OnlyOffice. When users attempt to save the modified documents in the ECM suite, they often get the following message: “The file is currently locked by OnlyOffice, please try again in a few seconds. If your OnlyOffice window is still open, you should close it first. If you continue, you may lose the latest changes made to that file”.

We had a look at the OnlyOffice logs and we found the following error:

[2024-08-30T08:14:48.819] [ERROR] [localhost] [8eef0cbc-2542-4f3d-a1ad-12a4b38f297b_1725005661526] [user2] nodeJS - wopi error PutFile:Error: Error response: statusCode:409; headers:{"x-frame-options":"sameorigin","referrer-policy":"no-referrer","strict-transport-security":"max-age=63072000","x-content-type-options":"nosniff","content-security-policy":"frame-ancestors 'self' https:;","feature-policy":"fullscreen 'self';","x-xss-protection":"1; mode=block","access-control-allow-origin":"*","access-control-allow-methods":"POST, PUT, GET, DELETE, OPTIONS","access-control-max-age":"3600","access-control-allow-headers":"Content-Type,Authorization,Authorization-Assume,Accept,X-Requested-With,X-Access-Token","cache-control":"no-cache,no-store,must-revalidate","pragma":"no-cache","expires":"0","vary":"Accept-Encoding","x-wopi-lockfailurereason":"Not already locked in ECM","content-type":"text/html;charset=UTF-8","content-length":"5547","date":"Fri, 30 Aug 2024 08:14:48 GMT","connection":"close"}; body:

The error code 409 points to some conflict when accessing a resource, as per:

Any idea what could be the root cause of this WOPI error ?

Best regards,


Hello @sviscapi

First of all, please note that there is newer version of Document Server is available. I’d recommend updating first and then checking the situation again.

In general, as per documentation:

409 Conflict - Lock mismatch/locked by another interface; the X-WOPI-Lock response header containing the value of the current lock on the file must always be included when using this response code.

I believe this might be a starting point.

Dear @Constantine , @ahassain

Thank you very much for the quick reply, really appreciated.

Just before the error in the logs we got the following debug message:

[2024-08-30T08:14:48.793] [DEBUG] [localhost] [8eef0cbc-2542-4f3d-a1ad-12a4b38f297b_1725005661526] [user2] nodeJS - wopi PutFile request uri=https://some-url/ecm/rest/wopihost/files/8eef0cbc-2542-4f3d-a1ad-12a4b38f297b_1725005661526/contents?access_token=some-token headers={"X-WOPI-Override":"PUT","X-WOPI-Lock":"ijh+guFAjeE3YdONTBqcRA==","X-WOPI-Editors":"user","X-WOPI-Proof":"EeXiuvqZGPyXXK1A/apl4/1guLozV9SKcUEqQGmc1c2LyRc3Mt/uvZSCJQURgxAAR33bGFZfRTu3PAmBFbYSkjKklzUi0q1bRAzL3jE13NjNCbkgaZHlU4uHae8J5RkfqseFslGBbDWbRXV3yA0Ve0WzxekOmGIgLdHt8bDImXQxBEonDGz3RZBC38UFaIeUrl+Wdv/sAH1xI+zEUYp3M4CVlYPUAIUTP52JHpgDeFeRBOw6Ez0OGkokZR/YhrZWjFOo5M8ylFs8dEW3g3Zyxr/bQjLWnoZSNLb7SARucEmEdgdbUwbhVRcS2+MslnNo9zNzMxytqj4ibnA6XC0b4Q==","X-WOPI-ProofOld":"EeXiuvqZGPyXXK1A/apl4/1guLozV9SKcUEqQGmc1c2LyRc3Mt/uvZSCJQURgxAAR33bGFZfRTu3PAmBFbYSkjKklzUi0q1bRAzL3jE13NjNCbkgaZHlU4uHae8J5RkfqseFslGBbDWbRXV3yA0Ve0WzxekOmGIgLdHt8bDImXQxBEonDGz3RZBC38UFaIeUrl+Wdv/sAH1xI+zEUYp3M4CVlYPUAIUTP52JHpgDeFeRBOw6Ez0OGkokZR/YhrZWjFOo5M8ylFs8dEW3g3Zyxr/bQjLWnoZSNLb7SARucEmEdgdbUwbhVRcS2+MslnNo9zNzMxytqj4ibnA6XC0b4Q==","X-WOPI-TimeStamp":"638606024887890000","X-WOPI-ClientVersion":"","Authorization":"Bearer xxx","X-LOOL-WOPI-IsModifiedByUser":true,"X-LOOL-WOPI-IsAutosave":false,"X-LOOL-WOPI-IsExitSave":true}

If I understand correctly, the X-WOPI-Lock header is set and consistent throughout the logs. I’m rather new to both WOPI and OnlyOffice, please bear with me.

If need be we’ll upgrade OnlyOffice to the latest version and give it another try.

Best regards,


Yes, please update Document Server to actual version and check the situation again. Some fixes were applied to the WOPI protocol, they may impact this issue indirectly.

Dear @Constantine ,

I fetched onlyoffice/documentserver:8.1 (updated 8 days ago) from Docker Hub this morning, I’ll send the image to @ahassain next week for further tests.

N.B: the SHA-256 digests don’t match

Docker Hub: 030dec11873f
What I got: b9e3c35eab182d3de822a53b109b0f27070f6eacea3b1388b9c50d1182f638f2

Best regards,


Looking forward to your feedback.

The one that has less characters is a manifest digest. Please go to Docker Hub, click this digest to open information about layer and you will find image index digest in this line:

Index digest: sha256:b9e3c35eab182d3de822a53b109b0f27070f6eacea3b1388b9c50d1182f638f2