Will fonts on user machines be supported in version 8.1

ONLYOFFICE Document Server roadmap

This document provides the roadmap of the planned ONLYOFFICE Document Server changes.

This is an updated and corrected version of the roadmap. We also reserve the right to change it when necessary.

Version 8.1

All editors

  • Continuing work on RTL in the editors core. Support for determining correct alignment for various text types
  • Working on support for fonts on the user’s machine in a browser
  • Ability to open the “file stream” on the client. It is required to support opening and saving encrypted files in a browser
  • Working on switching to an “honest cluster”, where each server is independent
  • Working on private rooms in the browser version via opening on the client
  • Switching to the common history for all editors
  • Working on support for Screen Readers in the interface
  • Support for new types of charts
  • Support for trend lines in charts

I noticed on GitHub’s roadmap that it mentions support for loading fonts from the user’s machine will be available in version 8.1. Is this true? :hugs:

Hello @hufei
I can confirm that we are working on this feature right now. Unfortunately, we will not be able to implement it in the next version of Document server (v.8.1). So far, it seems that we need a little bit more time and we will implement it in one of subsequent version following the release of v8.1.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Hello @Alexandre
Is it implemented in v8.2?

Hello @xiewulong
We are still working on the mentioned feature. I will update this thread once we have something to share.