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Document Server version:7.4.1
Type of installation of the Document Server (docker, deb/rpm, exe)
Browser version:chrome110
Why is the line spacing of OO smaller than that of MSOffice and WPS for the same content,single space.
This greatly affects the usage of users migrating from MSOffice to OO picture.gif
By the way, the GIF does not show how the document is displayed in MS Word. Can you provide a comparison example and also a document itself for more detailed analysis?
This is a link to already attached document. I was asking about comparison screenshots of display of both documents from Desktop Editors and Microsoft app for reference.
We have found out that this issue is related to the document grid that is currently not fully supported. This issue was registered earlier, your request was added to it.
If you experience similar issue with line spacing compared to other processors, most likely it is related to the document grid.
However, if your issue differs, please create a separate thread on it.