Why does my header not print?

Fedora 39

On one of my spread sheets, I have a footer and a header configured. The head does not print? There is no space at the top of the form for my hear on the printed page either. And the footer prints out about 2-1/2 inches too high up from the bottom. I have the margins set to normal and the paper set to Letter.

It prints fine in LibreOfficem where it was originally created

What did I do wrong?

Hi @Todd :wave:
Please provide the document where this issue can be reproduced.

This is what I get when I try to upload an odt, ods, or lwp.

Would you please add odt, ods, or lwp to the allowed list?

In the mean time, where can I upload an *.ods document?

Fedora 39

Okay, this is a lot more complicated as it is a number of bugs affecting it.

This is the original spreadsheet created in Libre Office:
Deposit.Slip.LO.ods (18.8 KB)

It look like this on its print out. Note that it is only one page.

Opening the original document in Only Office and saving it under a new name, creates this document:
Deposit.Slip.OO.1.ods (6.0 KB)

It looks like this on its print out:

1 & 3) the font is too big
2) the header show up in the document as “???”
4) the bottom line is missing.

Closing the document and reopen in Libre Office gives the following:
Deposit.Slip.OO.1.opened.in.LO.ods (18.3 KB)

The print out looks like this:

  1. two pages, instead of one (F6 rolls into the next page)
  2. column A is missing and rolled up side down as is written into row 29
  3. & .4 font is too big
  4. header is gone (no arrow for that)

We will look into the issues you’ve described and get back to you with a response.

Thank you for providing additional highlighting and describing the issues.

Additionally, it’s worth mentioning that ONLYOFFICE Docs/Desktop Editors use OOXML as core format, ensuring the highest compatibility with Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files (.docx, .xlsx, and .pptx).

ODF format files are converted to OOXML by the ONLYOFFICE editor.

Hi @Todd

1 & 3) the font is too big

Please clarify, was the document you’re opening in ONLYOFFICE Editor created on the same PC in LibreOffice?
We suspect the issue might be related to fonts.

  1. the header show up in the document as “???”

A bug report has been filed for this issue.

  1. the bottom line is missing… We’re unable to reproduce this issue.

We’re unable to reproduce this issue

  1. column A is missing and rolled up side down as is written into row 29.

A bug report has been filed for this issue.

  1. The document spans two pages instead of one (F6 rolls into the next page). Additionally, the font size for “& .4” is too large. It turns out these are all part of the same issue, and a bug report has been filed for it.
  1. two pages, instead of one (F6 rolls into the next page)
  2. & 4. font is too big

It turns out that these are all part of the same issue, and a bug report has also been filed for it.

  1. The header is missing (no arrow for that).

Are you referring to “Deposit.Slip.LO”?

They were created on the same computer.

What version and OS are you using?

It is number 2 on [Deposit.Slip.OO.1.ods

The header I am speaking of look like this in LO’s print preview:



They were created on the same computer.

  • Do you have the ability to provide all of your fonts for testing the issue?

What version and OS are you using?

  • Windows 10 and LibreOffice 7.0 and + ONLYOFFICE 8.0.1

Bitstream Vera Sans (C1)

The rest of the document is Liberation Sans:

I can zip or tar them up, but your upload won’t accept tar or zip.

Or you an download them directory from the Fedora 39 repository:



This may be of help reading the contents of an rpm on Windows:


Could you send me a private message with a link to a third-party storage where I can download the fonts?
(Or post it here)

We’re currently deciding whether to add tar and zip formats to the list of allowed ones.

I sent you a private message

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Got the fonts :handshake:

Because of the location of the fonts – /usr/share/fonts – they are usable by any text processor residing on the system.

Hi @Todd

1 & 3) the font is too big

  1. the header show up in the document as “???”

A bug report has been filed for this issue.

  1. the bottom line is missing… We’re unable to reproduce this issue.

We’re unable to reproduce this issue
The line is always displayed.

  1. column A is missing and rolled up side down as is written into row 29.

A bug report has been filed for this issue.

  1. The document spans two pages instead of one (F6 rolls into the next page). Additionally, the font size for “& .4” is too large. It turns out these are all part of the same issue, and a bug report has been filed for it.
  1. two pages, instead of one (F6 rolls into the next page)
  2. & 4. font is too big

It turns out that these are all part of the same issue, and a bug report has also been filed for it.

  1. The header is missing (no arrow for that).

When opening the document in LO / (x86_64) and in OnlyOffice 8.0.1, the title you mentioned is missing.

That is because it is moved into the document from the header and shows as “???”

This is what it looks like in libreoffice7.6-

And in onlyoffice-desktopeditors-8.0.1-31.el7.x86_64

1 Like

Since it is not too big in libreoffice7.6-, would this be a bug in LibreOffice or in onlyoffice-desktopeditors-8.0.1-31.el7.x86_64?


@Todd :wave:

ok, got it! :ok_hand:
I’ll update you as soon as new information on this bug becomes available.

At the moment, we do not consider it an error. And as far as I remember, no differences regarding the font issue were found between LO 7.6 and OO 8.0.1.

There is a major difference in the font size between LO adn OO:




We have reproduced the issue you described and have created a bug report. Thank you for bringing this problem to our attention!