Where is the Desktop Editors main 'help' page?

I ended up on a Desktop Editors webpage I’ve never seen before that seemed to include links to all features.

I don’t know how I got there and now that I’m not there I don’t know how to get there again.

Where to?

There is the following page with guides dedicated to Desktop Editor -

There is also this page describing Editor’s different features - UserGuides - Docs ONLYOFFICE Document Editor - ONLYOFFICE (most of the features relevant for Docs are also relevant for Desktop Editor)

If these pages are not the ones you were looking for, please describe the content of the needed page in more detail

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Thanks. Neither of those was the one I had seen. I can’t recall any way to describe it so I guess I’ll just have to wait until I accidentally run across it again. I believe the webpage I saw was specific in referencing Desktop Editors directly on the webpage (not just in the sidebar). The URL’s you provided may very well contain the same information and links.

In general, are you talking about helpcenter.onlyoffice.com website or api.onlyoffice.com website?

Thanks, it wasn’t either of those. However, it did have GUI content similar to the graphic on the API page (https://api.onlyoffice.com/) in the ‘Docs’ section.

And, for example, what features were there, what content? We need more details in order to be able to help find the page

Thanks. Unfortunately, I only recall that the look and organization of the page impressed me, had a different appearance than what I’d been used to seeing at the website, and that the page appeared to include links to all the features of Docs (at least Docs, there may have been more that wasn’t visible on the screen at the time – i.e., I don’t think I scrolled down the page).

I may just have to wait until I trip over it again.

You are welcome.
Yes, I hope you’ll find the page again, as It is not possible for us to provide the specific page based on the description