When will we get the error "An error has occurred while opening the file.<br>The file content does not match the file extension."

when will we get the error “An error has occurred while opening the file.
The file content does not match the file extension.”


Hello, what is the ONLYOFFICE product and version that you are using?
Provide an example of the file with which the above-mentioned issue occured

Version: 8.0.1

Here is the video:

Please provide Document Server logs (/var/log/onlyoffice/documentserver, for Docker - inside the container; for Windows - %Program Files%\ONLYOFFICE\DocumentServer\Logs)
Also, provide the Editor’s initialization config: Config - ONLYOFFICE Api Documentation
As well as the original file with which the issue occurs
Additionally, We recommend to update Document Server to the recent 8.1 version as older versions are not supported