When exiting OO file, main window of OO appears for a split second


When exiting any file in OO, the main window of OO appears for a split second and closes. I have named the video “OO main window”. In the video, when closing any file, the main window appears for a split second when closing. In case You didn’t see in the video, I have named the screenshot “OO main page”, to see that main window, so this window in the screenshot “OO main page” appears for a split second when closing.

I didn’t put a tag “bug” on this post, because I don’t know is this a bug or should this happen?


Hey @nicesto :handshake:

Thank you for providing the video where the issue is visible during slow playback! You have keen eyesight :slight_smile:

Hmm, We are analyzing the situation. Once we have more information, I will let you know.

@nicesto :handshake:

We have created bug report based on this case.
Thank you very much for reporting this issue. :hugs:

We appreciate your contribution to our product.