What file path do you want to view when printing some log information while executing docbuilder?

Dear leaders, hello. May I ask you a question
What file path do you want to view when printing some log information while executing docbuilder? At present, the onlyOffice service is deployed using Docker containerization. When entering the/var/log/onlyOffice/documentserver/directory inside the container, it is found that there is relatively little log information printed inside;
I am wondering if it is possible to write in the docbuilder file
Using (StreamWriter writer=new StreamWriter (“/var/log/onlyoffice/documentserver/converter/lzhtest. log”, true))
Console SetOut (writer)// Redirect console output to file stream
Console WriteLine;
}The method of printing logs, but unable to find where the log output went
My purpose is to check the execution status of my docbuilder file, similar to printing running details for easy troubleshooting

Hi @haizeli :saluting_face:

You can turn on DEBUG logs on the Document server side to check it out.

  1. Open /etc/onlyoffice/documentserver/log4js/production.json (for Docker - all actions performed inside the container);

  2. Change “level”: “WARN” to “level”: “DEBUG

  3. Save the changes in the “production.json” configuration file

  4. Execute supervisorctl restart all to apply the changes

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