WebSocket connection to [URL] failed

I have installed OnlyOffice on my Linux Ubuntu server. However, the following error has occurred.

In order to resolve this issue, I referred to the following GitHub document and reconfigured Nginx: document-server-proxy/nginx/minimal.conf at feature/virtual-path · ONLYOFFICE/document-server-proxy · GitHub.
However, the problem is still not resolved. My screen shows the following warnings and errors.

Despite reviewing many articles, I have not been able to solve the issue. How can I resolve this?

Hello @moonjb,
Please provide full Document Server logs (/var/log/onlyoffice/documentserver) and nginx proxy config as file (you can send them via PM if it suits you better)

Thank you for your quick response! I have sent the log file and nginx file to you via message.

Are you using proxy in front of the Document Server? The guide that you mentioned above is for user’s own proxy configuration rather than for reconfiguration of nginx within Document Server itself

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I have resolved the issue! After disabling the proxy and trying again, the problem was fixed. I deeply appreciate your help.

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Great to know that the issue has been resolved!