WebDav Error


I can’t connect to the onlyoffice via webdav protocol.
After 3 attempts to authorize, the Onlyoffice return an error - “Access denied”

I checked firewall, network, use other WinSCP client but the error still occurs.

  1. Architecture: HAProxy + Onlyoffice (Docker)
  2. Network
    a) Container - no firewall or enhanced security
    driver: ‘bridge’

b) HAProxy settings
use_backend office if { req.hdr(host) -i onlyoffice.local.test}
backend office
mode http
acl existing-x-forwarded-host req.hdr(X-Forwarded-Host) -m found
acl existing-x-forwarded-proto req.hdr(X-Forwarded-Proto) -m found
http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Host %[req.hdr(Host)] unless existing-x-forwarded-host
http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Proto https unless existing-x-forwarded-proto
server office check ssl verify none

Pls help.

Very critical… ((

Result open https://…/webdav/isLife is “OK”

Hello @Skif

The category is set to Workspace, please confirm that you have installed Workspace on your dedicated server and version of all components (can be found in Control Panel > Update section).

By the way, have followed the guide? Here is the link to it:

Hello @Constantine

I install Worksapce in docker container

Collaboration server:
Document Server:

Sorry for the long reply - сovid or flu

Hope you are doing fine now.

Thank you for the info. Unfortunately, we do not have any guides on how to run Workspace with a proxy service in front of it, as it already uses quite complex proxy structure for communication of all services. I believe additional proxy causes such issues.