Web editor keep loading on android website

I’m using docspace docker image version 2.5.1

Web editor works well in my computer and andorid with desktop mode, like this below

But it doesn’t work in my android without desktop mode, the loading never ended, like this below

Here is my code, using Next js 14

 React.useEffect(() => {

    const config = {
      mode: mode,
      width: '100%',
      type: 'mobile',
      height: '100%',
      frameId: 'ds-frame',
      locale: 'id',
      sameSite: 'none',
      init: true,
      id: file_id,
      requestToken: requestToken,
      checkCSP: false,
      editorCustomization: {
        toolbarHideFileName: true,
        toolbarNoTabs: true,
        unit: 'cm',
        zoom: 100,
        review: editorReview
      events: {
        onAppReady: async () => {
          const hashSettings = await (window as any).DocSpace.SDK.frames[config.frameId].getHashSettings()
          const passwordHash = await (window as any).DocSpace.SDK.frames[config.frameId].createHash(

          try {
            ;(window as any).DocSpace.SDK.frames[config.frameId]
              .login(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('userData') as any)?.only_office_email, passwordHash)
              .then(() => (window as any).DocSpace.SDK.initEditor(config))
          } catch (e) {

    const script = document.createElement('script')

    script.setAttribute('src', 'https://office.mypge.id/static/scripts/sdk/1.0.0/api.js')
    script.onload = () => (window as any).DocSpace.SDK.initFrame(config)


    return () => {

    // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
  }, [openEditor])

This is happen on network & console tab when i’m using mobile simulator

Hello @01011001andra

Please provide output of docker ps command. Do I understand correctly that you are using Community Edition of DocSpace?

Hi @Constantine
Thats right, i’m using community edition of docspace.

As I can see, on the screenshot with console you’ve selected to show only error and info messages, but none of those 6 errors are displayed.

Please enable warnings too and record a video demo with all messages.

In general, do I understand correctly that you are integrating Document Server that comes with your own application? I think it’s better to use stand alone Document Server for integration purposes instead.