Wanting to create a shortcut on the lower taskbar to open a new document

Kate at support has told me to drag and drop full URL to lower taskbar to place a shortcut there. When I open a new document page there is no URL at the top!

Hello @Bar457
Could you please provide us with exact desired scenario which you are trying to achieve. If you mean some existed feature in another editor please point us to it.

I have ONLYOFFICE and wish to put a shortcut on my Windows10 lower taskbar so that I can open a new blank document page whilst in another program so that I can paste straight into it. So I need a task bar shortcut which will open a blank page directly.
Kate from OnlyOffice support advised to drop a whole URL from a new document to the desktop, but when in a document page there is no URL showing at the top. Please advise how I can create a shortcut icon which takes me straight into a new document page.
Thanks in advance, BAR457

We are checking the situation. I will update this post, when I get any news.

Any update on this please.

Sorry, we are still checking this request. When I get any news, I will notify you.

Sorry for the late reply. Unfortunately such a scenario (shortcut to create a new file) is not possible, but we added your request to known bug 49321.

As a workaround solution, you can change Desktop Editor setting ‘Open file’ to ‘in its own window’ and after that run command “C:\Users\Public\Desktop\ONLYOFFICE Editors.lnk” --new:word from Command Prompt. It will create and open a new file without main app window.