Document Server version: 8.2.2
Type of installation of the Document Server (docker, deb/rpm, exe, please point us to the installation guide that you used as well): docker
OS: In both MacOS & Windows
Browser version: Latest Chrome, Brave
Additional information:
When i enable the right panel in embed view its okay and when i go back & revisit the same page the design is distorted. I’m using react to go back & revisit the page.
Here’s the screenshot:
Hello @anand.mainali
Please specify how do you enable right panel and elaborate on what means “revisit the same page”. Do you face such problem when reloading the page?
Hi @Constantine
I enable the right panel by clicking on the icon from right side of the editor.
When reloading the issue still persists…
It is still unclear for me what “revisiting the page” means. Can you record a video to demonstrate?
By the way, as I can see, you’ve made some customization to the source CSS as per this thread:
Does it also include changes to the editor layout?
@Constantine i created a fresh onlyoffice docker container & embed in my site… and then i opened the “right panel” and refresh the page, this issue still exists.
Please ignore the “revisiting the page” case as it exists on page refresh.
Have you tried opening the editor in Incognito Mode?
yes i tested it in incognito mode.
Please record a video demo where initially you are opening a document without right panel, then accessing it and reloading the page for better visual understanding of the whole scenario.
@Constantine i’ve sent you the video demo in private… any update on that??
I see a custom loader on the video. Did you implement it above the editor?
yes it was seperate div and i was doing show/hide when editor is loading/loaded… now i’ve fixed it.
thank you.