View Projects from Calendar

We are currently testing OpenOffice, for use as a calendar and project tracking system for a small plumbing company.
When we setup a project, the project is not showing up on the calendar of the administrator.
The project shows up on the individual’s calendar that the project was assigned to.
However, the project is not showing up on the Administrator’s calendar.
How can the Administrator view all projects/tasks on the calendar?


Hello @HighTechHillbilly

Only the projects the person participate in are visible in the calendar.

The following entries connected with the Projects module are shown in the Calendar:

  • milestones of projects you participate in or follow;
  • tasks assigned to you within Projects module (only if the due date is set).

The possible solution is to assign the Administrator to the task, in this case the tasks will be shown in the Calendar. You can also uncheck Save this project as private box and the project will be available to all users who have access to the Projects module.

Nevertheless, we will consider your message a suggestion and forward it to the development department for further consideration.

More information about the Projects module you can find in our Help Center.