Using the webdav function, it seems to have a limit of 499GB

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Community Server/Control Panel version: 12.5.1228/3.5.421
Type of installation of Workspace (docker, deb/rpm, exe)
OS: WinSvr2019

Using the instructions here: Configuring ONLYOFFICE WebDAV server - ONLYOFFICE which works great, users are able to connect to the WebDAV folders. However, these folders appear to be limited to 499GB.

Where is this limit set? I’ve checked config for both onlyoffice and windows webclient service and I am unable to find where this limit is being set?

Hey @Kiamori :handshake:

Details and known issues

In many file managers which use the WebDAV connection via the Microsoft implementation, it’s not possible to download files larger than 50000000 bytes.

To solve this issue, you can change the corresponding value in Windows Registry as described here.

If you are referring to a different issue, please provide a screenshot of the error you are encountering.