Use document server only in LAN

I have a problem, but maybe just a problem of understanding. I have an unraid server on which I have set up the Community Document Server via Docker. I can call up the test page. How can I now create or edit documents in my LAN from any PC. I don’t need to have accessibility from the internet, I just want to be able to access it from any PC in my local LAN.

I think I am making a mistake or have not understood something correctly, but unfortunately I can’t figure it out.
Thanks in advance.

Hello @stobbertt
Document server is just an editor in fact. The /welcome/ page contains integrated example, but it’s for test purposes only. You need to deploy any storage solution and integrate it with your Document Server. The list of ready-to-go connectors: Ready-to-use connectors for your platform | ONLYOFFICE
If you are independent developer, you have to create your own connector, please check this title: ONLYOFFICE Api Documentation - How It Works

Hi Alexandre,
which one would you recommend for my purposes? Apparently there is only the option of an online connection.

Hello @stobbertt

Apparently there is only the option of an online connection.

All mentioned connectors should work in the internal local network.
Let me describe it in the details. As I mentioned before, DS is just an editor. The editor should know where files are located and where to save the files after editing is complete. These tasks are performed by the connector. The connector, in simple words, is a plugin (even it doesn’t have visual web interface) which helps communication between DS and a storage.

Right now I have ownCloud, Groups\Workspace and Seafile installed on my test servers, so let’s check these integrations.

  1. Find and download ONLYOFFICE connector app in the owncloud Market.

  2. Open the connector app page and specify DS address and secret:

    and click Save button.

Even you are working in the local network without access to the Internet, the connector app will establish a connection between DS and storage and will allow you and your users to create and edit files:

Seafile uses non-interface connector app, you can find detailed guide here: OnlyOffice Integration - Seafile Admin Manual
You have to edit conf file to enable the integration:

After that restart Seafile services and you are ready to work with files.

This is our own product. The Groups is a separate storage, you can use it just for file storing or integrate it with DS to achieve editing feature. Installation and integration guides:

Workspace is all-in-one portal. It includes such modules as People, CRM, Mail, etc. It works out-of-the-box from the moment of installation (DS is included), so no additional actions are needed for DS integration in most cases:

Workspace guides: Installation Guides - Workspace - ONLYOFFICE

From the working in local network point of view it doesn’t matter which storage you chose. All of them should work in the LAN. I think that the final decision depends on you and the requirements of your users.

To sum it up:

  • The integration chain looks like: Document server - the connector app - the storage.
  • you have to specify DS address in the connector app to establish connection.
  • all connectors from the list of my first reply should work in the local network. However, please contact us if you face any issues.

thanks for the detailed instructions, I will test it and get back to you. Thanks a lot

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