Upgrade Linux Non-Docker

We have an old Ubuntu 16.04 server with Onlyoffice Community that we would like to the latest version along with upgrading the os to 24. What is the reccomended path to upgrade? I have tried updating onlyoffice using apt-get but that gives errors about dependencies not matching. the script also does not seem to work with the same type of errors.

So it seems my first issue is that the workspace upgrade script is trying to install 6.8 of mono but my server is already on 6.12 and working. I can’t seem to uninstall mono 6.12 without uninstalling only office and then i can not reinstall because 10.5 is not in the repo. please help guide me.

I was finally able to update to ubuntu 1804 by removing the onlyoffice repos from sources.d. I downloaded the upgrade scripts for OO and then changed the scripts to install mono which was already installed.

Hello @ronm

Were you able to update Workspace too?

i finally got it upgraded. I had a problem with the document server not working but I resolved that.

The only outstanding issue is there is an error in the control panel backup.

Method not found: void ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Tar.TarOutputStream…ctor(System.IO.Stream,System.Text.Encoding)

Please start a new topic for this specific problem, I believe it must be analyzed separately.