Update From Selection does not seem to work

Greeting - I am new to OpenOffice - after 40 years of using MS Office, I’ve finally moved away after all their products became read-only after a Mac OS update. I had previously tried the other well known suites (e.g, libre office) and found them all either “wanting” or “ugly”

OnlyOffice (and in particular the Workspace feature) is really looking compelling and my entire team is now playing with it. Kudos to the developers!

That said, as someone who has used stylesheets since Microsoft Word introduced it in DOS (yes, that far back), I’m struggling a little to use stylesheets in the document editor.

In particular, I just loaded a document (created in Word) and selected some text that was formatted as Times Roman 12 (my normal style).

I then tried to right-click on the Normal button in the “ribbon” and clicked on “Update from selection”, my assumption being that this would cause the “Normal” style in OnlyOffice to be updated to use my font.

But rather than updating the “Normal” style to be Times Roman 12, OnlyOffice changed the format of the selected text and made it be “Calibri”

What am I missing? Is my interpretation of “Update from selection” incorrect or is this (as it seems) a bug?

Hello @DavidHJameson

Please provide a video demo of this behavior. In general, Update from selections simply changes defined style to according to the style of selected text and all text that has the same style applied will also change.

Additionally, please specify which product is used exactly Is it Desktop Editors or Workspace? Also, share its version too.

As a new user, it wouldn’t let me upload a video so I uploaded it as an unlisted video to my youtube channel

I’m running Version 8.1.1 on a Mac - just got it a few days ago.

Unless I’m completely misunderstanding how this feature is supposed to work in OnlyOffice, the operation I did should have set the style “Normal” to the formatting of the selected text, which was Times Roman.

No, you understand it correctly. In this scenario it should change the style according to the selected text. I’ve checked this behavior on Mac and it works as expected.

Let’s gather some additional details:

  • On which chip your Mac is running? (Intel or Apple Silicon);
  • Does this issue happen only in this specific document?
  • Have you tried reproducing the issue in new empty document?
  • Are Desktop Editors connected to external storage?

On which chip your Mac is running? (Intel or Apple Silicon);
Intel Mac Pro (2019)

Does this issue happen only in this specific document?
I hadn’t tried other documents. Just tried another Word document and it behaves as expected! But it consistently happens with the first document I tried (happy to send it to you if that would help - but very strange that it only happens with one document (so far) )

Have you tried reproducing the issue in new empty document?
Works as expected

Are Desktop Editors connected to external storage?

So given the above, I’m not sure it’s worth investigating why it’s happening consistently with only one document