Unable to log in after data restoration

“Hello, I have deployed two OnlyOffice DocSpace Community Editions on Windows Server 2019 and want to migrate data from one server to another. I first used the local backup feature and then restored the data, but after the restoration, I am unable to log in.”
“Of course, I saw the message: ‘Due to the new mechanism of the password encryption, there is no possibility to restore the password from the backup using the core.machinekey key which differs from the original one. To ensure correct portal operation, specify the old server key in the web.appsettings.config, TeamlabSvc.exe.Config files, and in the Control Panel production.json config file before restoring the backup on a new server.’ Should I modify the core.machinekey first before restoring the data? However, I couldn’t find the TeamlabSvc.exe.Config file. Could you please explain again how I should proceed with data restoration in my situation?”

Hello @wanghong123
The machinekey value is located in apisystem.conf, appsettings.conf and radicale.conf files in Program Files (x86)\Ascensio System SIA\DocSpace\config folder. So, you need to change machinekey value on the new server in these files to match the same value on the old server > restart all DocSpace services in Windows services.