Ubuntu.. sidebar panel has no icon

Ubuntu Sidebar that shows the opened applications has no icon.

I installed from the deb

When I use the “dash” to type “onlyoffice” there is an icon that works fine.
However, the Ubuntu Sidebar that shows the opened applications has no icon.
Only the generic gear icon shows.

Hey, @bksubhuti! :wave:

Could you please attach a screenshot of the “About” tab from your OS settings?

Additionally, if possible, provide a video showing the issue you’re experiencing along with the version of ONLYOFFICE Desktop you are using.
(The current version is 8.1.0-169)

Thank you!

it says… cannot upload pictures because I’m new. You will need to upgrade my status.

@bksubhuti :ok_hand::arrow_up:

Sorry… I had trouble with Ubuntu 24.04 for my other flutter projects and went back to Linux Mint 21.03.
It does indeed work as expected (icon in tray) with mint, or the new version I downloaded works as well.

When I made the complaint, the deb I downloaded was only a few days to one week old.

Everything is working fine on linux mint (21.3), but that does not help you much.
I suggest you install on 24.04 ubuntu and see. I used the deb version to install.

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Hello @bksubhuti,

It seems we have reproduced the issue.
I will keep you updated on any changes regarding your request. :handshake: