Typing Arabic Letters in OnlyOffice

Hi can you please improve arabic typing in only office desktop version. When i write in arabic letters do not link each other and therefore it is impossible to write. Please fix this bug.
Desktop Version
OS: Windows 11
Browser version: Chrome

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Hey @PaoloLaMantia

Thank you for your feedback
We are glad to see you in our community :handshake:
Our developers are working on RTL support and step by step they implement tools to editors that will help to correctly displaying texts in Arabic.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
RTL is what we are currently working on intensively!

The letters are now joined up in Documents and Presentations (but not Spreadsheets). However when pasting text, it is rearranged backwards. The image below is in Presentations at the top and how it should look like in Spotlight underneath.
Screenshot 2023-10-20 at 12.05.46

hi @tech189 :handshake:

May I request you to record a video demonstrating the issue?

(Uploading as a gif because I am not allowed to upload videos)

The development of RTL (Right-to-Left) is in full swing! Unfortunately, in v7.5, the functionality is not fully implemented yet.


We continue to work on RTL implementation — in version 8.0 we have added support for bidirectional text in documents and presentations.

This means RTL input becomes partially available (however, with some limitations). It will be not enough for full-featured work with RTL-based scripts, but it is a rather big step forward.

The only issue i have right now in 8.0 is that dots exclamation marks numbers and so on go to the right but i want them to the left. You only have to fix that because letters now connect perfectly.

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We are aware of this issue and are already actively working to resolve it. Thank you for your attention to the OnlyOffice product.

Rest assured, we are committed to enhancing the RTL user experience.