TypeScript definitions for Api / window.Asc objects

Hi there,
I wanted to get started with a OnlyOffice plugin, however except a few basic examples I found not too much support for creating Editor plugins. In contrast, DocSpace plugins even have a ready-to-use npm package to create a template, very nice.
I suppose there is nothing comparable for Desktop Editor plugins? Are there any d.ts files for the APIs, did anyone use TypeScript for developing a plugin?

My first steps were cloning the demo repo and trying to make a few changes to existing examples which worked, but if there is a better way to get to know the code than to check API documentation regularly, I’d be happy to hear.

Thank you!

Our editor plugins consist of an HTML page that is processed by the browser. However, browsers cannot work directly with TypeScript.

I’ll add sections with the API plugins for ONLYOFFICE Docs / Desktop Editors and DocSpace here.

But it seems like you’re already familiar with them :slight_smile: