Translation error occurred in Simplified Chinese

In the workspace, using the Move or Copy function in the right-click menu, I discovered a translation error.


The correct translation for the function in the red box should be “复制到”.


The correct translation of this function in the red box should be “复制” or “创建副本”

Hello, thank you for sharing! I’ll inform you as soon as I have news on the issue mentioned.

Hello, the issue with this translation was resolved some time ago for Community Server 12.6 version, please update to 12.6 version to see for yourself.



It seems that the Docker URL of the script cannot be accessed properly, so it cannot be updated?

[root@MiWiFi-RB06-srv ~]# bash -u true -cv -ids false -icp false -ims false -skiphc true
Select 'Y' to install ONLYOFFICE using Docker (recommended). Select 'N' to install it using RPM/DEB packages.
Please note, that in case you select RPM/DEB installation, you will need to manually install Mail Server and connect it to your ONLYOFFICE installation.
See instructions in our Help Center:
Install with Docker [Y/N/C]? y
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start docker.service
ONLYOFFICE MYSQL SERVER is already installed.
The latest version of ELASTICSEARCH is already installed.
Error response from daemon: Get "": read tcp [2408:8207:2502:fc10::d89]:60154->[2600:1f18:2148:bc00:8d61:9b62:40aa:8bb8]:443: read: connection reset by peer
Error response from daemon: Get "": EOF
Error response from daemon: Get "": EOF
Docker image onlyoffice/communityserver: not found
[root@MiWiFi-RB06-srv ~]#
[root@MiWiFi-RB06-srv ~]# bash -u true -skiphc true
Select 'Y' to install ONLYOFFICE using Docker (recommended). Select 'N' to install it using RPM/DEB packages.
Please note, that in case you select RPM/DEB installation, you will need to manually install Mail Server and connect it to your ONLYOFFICE installation.
See instructions in our Help Center:
Install with Docker [Y/N/C]? y
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start docker.service
ONLYOFFICE MYSQL SERVER is already installed.
The latest version of ELASTICSEARCH is already installed.
The latest version of ONLYOFFICE DOCUMENT SERVER is already installed.
Error response from daemon: Get "": EOF
Error response from daemon: Get "": EOF
Error response from daemon: Get "": EOF
Docker image onlyoffice/mailserver:1.6.75 not found
[root@MiWiFi-RB06-srv ~]#
[root@MiWiFi-RB06-srv ~]# bash -u true -ims false -skiphc true
Select 'Y' to install ONLYOFFICE using Docker (recommended). Select 'N' to install it using RPM/DEB packages.
Please note, that in case you select RPM/DEB installation, you will need to manually install Mail Server and connect it to your ONLYOFFICE installation.
See instructions in our Help Center:
Install with Docker [Y/N/C]? y
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start docker.service
ONLYOFFICE MYSQL SERVER is already installed.
The latest version of ELASTICSEARCH is already installed.
Docker pull argument exception: repository=onlyoffice/documentserver, tag=

I can now pull the new image through the normal pull command.

[root@MiWiFi-RB06-srv ~]# docker pull onlyoffice/communityserver:latest
latest: Pulling from onlyoffice/communityserver
57c139bbda7e: Pull complete 
f08a97d6dc3f: Downloading   1.87GB/2.159GB
190b81672f11: Download complete 
1442b33aad1b: Download complete 
ccbb0dc016dc: Verifying Checksum 
48ce33f39c93: Download complete 

Can I use it after pulling the new image?

-ics true Command update communityserver

Can I use it after pulling the new image?
-ics true Command update communityserver

This method seems to not work well, and I also found that I cannot update from the control center.

It is like this.

Hello, please try in this order:
1.docker pull onlyoffice/communityserver:
docker pull onlyoffice/controlpanel:
2. bash -ims false -cv -cpv -u true
(You have to update Control Panel as well, as the current version is


I pulled communityserver and successfully updated it in the control panel. However, when I pulled controlpanel: and tried to update it through a script, there was still an interruption.

[root@MiWiFi-RB06-srv ~]# docker pull onlyoffice/controlpanel: Pulling from onlyoffice/controlpanel
Digest: sha256:bafe344fca1e7358b1c12957c86c908439172f407a12b179357061a9dd493e1d
Status: Downloaded newer image for onlyoffice/controlpanel:
[root@MiWiFi-RB06-srv ~]# bash -ims false -cpv -u
Select 'Y' to install ONLYOFFICE using Docker (recommended). Select 'N' to install it using RPM/DEB packages.
Please note, that in case you select RPM/DEB installation, you will need to manually install Mail Server and connect it to your ONLYOFFICE installation.
See instructions in our Help Center:
Install with Docker [Y/N/C]? y
Minimal requirements are not met: need at least 40960 MB of free HDD space
[root@MiWiFi-RB06-srv ~]# bash -ims false -cpv -u true -skiphc true
Select 'Y' to install ONLYOFFICE using Docker (recommended). Select 'N' to install it using RPM/DEB packages.
Please note, that in case you select RPM/DEB installation, you will need to manually install Mail Server and connect it to your ONLYOFFICE installation.
See instructions in our Help Center:
Install with Docker [Y/N/C]? y
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start docker.service
ONLYOFFICE MYSQL SERVER is already installed.
The latest version of ELASTICSEARCH is already installed.
Docker pull argument exception: repository=onlyoffice/documentserver, tag=
[root@MiWiFi-RB06-srv ~]# 

My control panel is often in this state.

It seems that this is also due to the issue caused by China’s firewall? When I configure the proxy server, the command can be executed normally

[root@MiWiFi-RB06-srv ~]# export http_proxy=
[root@MiWiFi-RB06-srv ~]# export https_proxy=
[root@MiWiFi-RB06-srv ~]# 
[root@MiWiFi-RB06-srv ~]# 
[root@MiWiFi-RB06-srv ~]# 
[root@MiWiFi-RB06-srv ~]# bash -ims false -cpv -u true -skiphc true
Select 'Y' to install ONLYOFFICE using Docker (recommended). Select 'N' to install it using RPM/DEB packages.
Please note, that in case you select RPM/DEB installation, you will need to manually install Mail Server and connect it to your ONLYOFFICE installation.
See instructions in our Help Center:
Install with Docker [Y/N/C]? y
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start docker.service
ONLYOFFICE MYSQL SERVER is already installed.
The latest version of ELASTICSEARCH is already installed.
The latest version of ONLYOFFICE DOCUMENT SERVER is already installed.
stop container:
remove container:
check removed container: onlyoffice-control-panel
The latest version of ONLYOFFICE COMMUNITY SERVER is already installed.

Thank you for installing ONLYOFFICE.
You can now configure your portal and add Mail Server to your installation (in case you skipped it earlier) using the Control Panel
In case you have any questions contact us via or visit our forum at

[root@MiWiFi-RB06-srv ~]# 

Hello, yes, the issue is related to the firewall.
If you’ll have further issues with the updating, please create a separate thread.