Touchpad pinch zoom

Do you want to: Report a bug

For bug reports, provide the steps to reproduce and if possible a minimal demo of the problem.
OS version: Windows 10
App version: 8.1.1
Downloaded from: ONLYOFFICE website. Please point us to the installation guide that you used as well.
Additional information:
Okey, so I’ve seen nobody has this problem too: the pinch-zoom in my touchpad does not work. In the Onlyoffice desktop version, in Documents, I try to zoom with my touchpad and it won’t let me. I’d upload a screen recording but you’d only see the screen not doing… anything, so yeah.

Another thing I’d like to highlight is that I’m new to this Apps, so I’m still getting used to them, but I’ve seen that scrolling with my mouse is smooth but with my touchpad (which I mostly use) in jerky.

Thank you very much in advance, I appreciate your time. Keep the good work! :))

Hello @irenegn

We are about to release new version 8.2 of the editors where various improvements were made in regard of touch screen accessibility and scrolling. Please kindly await for the official release to see if these issues persists.

Hello, Constantine. Thanks for your quick response. The thing is my problem is not with the touchscreen, as I mine is not so. My problem is with my touchpad. Are there any improvements on that too?

Indeed, various improvements were made for users who work with touchpads/trackpads. Update for Desktop Editors will be available in a couple of days.