
Do you want to: Suggest a feature / Report a bug / Ask a how-to question
For feature suggestions, describe the result you would like to achieve in detail.
For bug reports, provide the steps to reproduce and if possible a minimal demo of the problem.
Document Server version: 8.0.1
Type of installation of the Document Server (docker, deb/rpm, exe, please point us to the installation guide that you used as well): arm64,数据库达梦dm
OS: windows、mac
Browser version:
Additional information:
Any relevant details about the situation. If you’ve modified configuration files or are using a proxy server that might affect the situation, please mention it. You can also attach images and videofile to the post (or to place them to external storage)

您正在使用文档服务器(Document Server) 吗?请提供您用于安装的指南以及文档服务器和您的操作系统的准确版本。请注意,我们最近发布了8.1.1版本。您是否有可能更新到最新版本并重新检查情况?如果这不能解决问题,请提供详细信息(逐步重现问题的步骤并提供日志)。



您提到了 EulerOS 和 DAMO 数据库,请注意,我们尚未针对该操作系统和数据库测试过文档服务器 (Document Server)。

系统要求: ONLYOFFICE Docs for Linux system requirements - ONLYOFFICE
使用外部数据库的可能性: Installing ONLYOFFICE Docs Docker version for arm64 - ONLYOFFICE