
I am currently using the connector. callCommand method,
I tried to implement it according to the GlobalVariable in the document, but it was unsuccessful. I prompted that the GlobalVariable was not defined. I tried to transfer parameters by postMessage, but it could not be used. I tried other ways to save the object as a Global variable, but it was also unsuccessful. Finally, I successfully saved and obtained the json of the object through localStorage, but this way has many defects and size restrictions, May I ask if there are other ways to copy data from other documents into the current document

Hello @nichaoshou

if there are other ways to copy data from other documents into the current document

Do you mean via DocBuilder methods? Recently we discussed similar question in other thread, please check it out: Insert data of Excel into Document or PowerPoint at particular Page or Slide - #2 by Alexandre
If I misunderstood your request, please clarify it.

Not through the DocBuilder method, but through the connector. callCommand

Understood, we are checking the situation. I will come back to you as soon as possible.

Okay, thank you

Hello @nichaoshou
Sorry for the late reply. We have checked your suggestion, unfortunately, there’s no way of using GlobalVariable through callCommand methods. GlobalVariable needs some kind of storage\app which can get and send data via REST API. The examples of such storages are here:ONLYOFFICE Api Documentation - Language-specific examples