Top & bottom margins are wrong

Fedora 39

My top margin is set to US 1". But my page starts a 1-13/4 inch. My bottom margin is set at 2". The entire pages is full and does extent to the next page, which also has the problem. All subsequent pages have the issue.

How do I fix this?

Hello @Todd
Did you create the file from the screenshot in our Desktop Editor or was it created in some other editor? Is it possible to provide us with this very file, so we are able to take a look at it?
I’ve tried to reproduce the situation with new created file and all things look OK.

Hi Alexandre,

I use xfce4-screenshooter for screen shots.

I also corrected the documents by copying and pasting it to a blank document. Good thing too, the original document is about 50 pages long and is full of very sensitive information. It would be almost impossible to purge it all. so I could upload it to you.

Please go ahead and close this request. Thank you for the help!


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