To link spreadsheet files

Hello everybody,
I would like to link cells from several spreadsheet files, but I can’t find how to do it.
Does OnlyOffice propose this please?

Thank you for your help!

Hello @Mewen

Currently there is no such feature implemented in ONLYOFFICE Docs.
We are planning to release it in the version 7.3 that will be available in first quarter of 2023.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Hello Constantine,

Thank you again for your help.
It is just a bad time to pass with Excel… :joy:
Looking forward the famous update! :wink:

Hello @Mewen

We have released version 7.3.0 of Document Server. Please update your current instance and check the situation.

I updated to latest version ( but didn’t work on my side yet.
I have two .xlsx files, i copied a cell (it contains a SUM) from the first one and paste in a row on the second one. It copied the value at the moment but it does not update it when it changes on source.
If I took a look at change log for this version I see that this functionality is implemented
a short animation in your note shows that after paste is it possibile to choose “Paste link (N)” that does not appear on my menu.
I installed Community version on Debian 11 and integrated with a NexCloud instance running on Hetzner ISP.
Any help?
thank you

Hello @liucoj

We have added a method Inserting external data for inserting data from another spreadsheet. It can be already used by independent integrators who are using their own applications, but it is not yet available for the ready-to-use integrations like Nextcloud/ownCloud/Confluence/etc.
We are working hard on the implementation of it into different storages, but it will take some time.