There is a problem opening PDF files based on NextCloud's only office

There is a problem opening PDF files based on NextCloud’s only office


As shown in the above figure: Based on NextCloud’s only office, when opening the PDF, the above prompt will appear.


nc connect oo plugins: 9.3


nc connect and oo plugins were always available before 9.2

Hello, please update Onlyoffice Document Server to the recent version 8.1.1 and check if the issue is reproduced, we do not provide support for old versions.
If the issue is still reproduced afterwards, please provide Document Server logs (/var/log/onlyoffice/documentserver, for Docker inside the container) and Nextcloud logs (Administration settings ->Logging)
And please clarify, does the issue occur with all pdf files?

i will update to the version 8.1.1,so,this problem give feedback again