The same document,why onlyoffice convert to pdf much larger than msOffice to pdf

Do you want to: the same document,why onlyoffice convert to pdf much larger than msOffice to pdf
Document Server version:7.4.1
Type of installation of the Document Server (docker, deb/rpm, exe)
Browser version:chrome100


Please provide the example document so we could reproduce the issue.

Also please specify the versions of ONLYOFFICE and MS that you are using for the test.

OO Comparison files source

Sample PPTX Testing source (try with others formats):

This get way worse on outdated MS clients PDF, probably because of their deprecated PDF standard and messy slides (classic university experience)

Env: (latest for all)
MacOS: 14.2.1
LO: 24.2.1
OO: 8.0.1

Hello @NamelessGO
If you don’t mind I will join this thread too.
The output .pdf file size after conversion is a known task. Right now, the editor is trying to use high quality for .pdf files which affects their size. However, we are working already on additional setting that will allow a user to choose different parameters for the compression quality in this scenario.
We will update this thread once we release this feature.

If I misunderstood your request, please clarify it.

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