Hello I have some libreoffice files. After editing with Onlyoffice (and converted again in libreoffice format through the onlyoffice API) are not maintainer the format. In the dev.onlyoffice.org
Example: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1n75oySwWNtl32d82ajBAeeZhEsg3FHaH/view?usp=sharing
Thanks in advance
Hello Dataprius.
Thank you for the file example. We reproduced the scenario (converting from odt to docx and vice versa using API). But the final result opens smoothly in Libreoffice.
Please describe your issue in detail. You can make screenshots or video file. What exactly did you face?
Hello Alexandre, thanks for take a look. Here you can see screenshots with the process:
After editing with onlyoffice, the conversion again to .odt that what change the table format. Example API call converstion:
$ext = pathinfo($fileName, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); // odt in this example
$URL = $ofiServer . “/ConvertService.ashx”;
$vParams = array (
Hello Dataprius.
Thank you for detailed scenario. We are checking the situation. When we have something to share, we’ll post it here.
Hello again Dataprius.
We reproduced the issue and we added a bug in our internal tracklist (bug number - 52283). We started investigation. When the solution is found, we’ll release a fix as a part of one of next Document server version.
We thank you for your valuable data.
Thanks Alexandre!!