The Example application doesn't persist files?

Hi, I have a simple question?

Does the provided example persist files uploaded by user?

if the example is not recommended in production use, then what’s the alternatives?

nextcloud ? owncloud ?

Hi @Fanguogang :wave:

First, let’s clarify what we mean by an example.

The test example is a simple document management system that can be integrated into your application for testing purposes. The default test example is written in Node.js and is disabled by default. To enable it, follow the instructions on your start screen.

The integration examples demonstrate the functions of document editors and how to connect ONLYOFFICE Docs to your own application. DO NOT USE these examples on your own server without PROPER CODE MODIFICATIONS! If you have enabled any of the test examples, disable them before moving to production.

if the example is not recommended in production use, then what’s the alternatives?

If you plan to integrate the ONLYOFFICE Docs into your own application, you will need to modify the examples yourself.

If you are using an existing document management system, you can utilize the ready-to-use connectors.

Yup. When you upload files, they are saved (but separately for each IP address).

As a server administrator, you can view the stored files of the built-in document server example at /var/lib/onlyoffice/documentserver-example/files/.