Text gets "boxed" when reopening document

After adding text to a document, saving it and reopening it, something weird happens to the contents. Every paragraph gets “boxed”, like it gets a border all around. I attached a screenshot to depict the issue. When I saved the document there were no borders in any of the paragraphs but after reopening it, the result as seen in the picture attached.

Any idea why this is happening?

Ok, so this happens when i paste something and i keep source formatting. When i choose Keep text only it does not happen. Still an issue though. Any idea why this happens?

Hello @IrdiIs,
Please provide the following additional info:

  1. The version of the Document Server
  2. The OS on which the issue occurs
  3. The original file with the paragraphs (but before the margins appear)
  4. Screen recording showing precise steps of the issue introduction
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The version of the Document Server: 8.2

The OS on which the issue occurs: Ubuntu 18

The original file with the paragraphs (but before the margins appear): Happens with any content copied from any source. For example the example above is a random generated text from chatgpt which i copied and pasted on OO docs. The same happens if i get content from another Document or other sources.

Screen recording showing precise steps of the issue introduction: I can do a screenrecord but what happens is very simple. Just pasting into a document and reopening the document gives this issue. These two are all the steps followed.

Hey, any updates on this?


It seems that it is related to the known issue which does not reproduce on the next version (margins appear after pasting and saving). Please update and check when the version is released

Hi, i have the same problem, i have already installed the latest version on Ubuntu 24.04 from the app center.
The strange thing is that since 1 month that i have installed OnlyOffice i didn’t have any problem, but now, idk why, when i copy and paste in text document i see my text getting “boxed”.
Any advice?

EDIT: I’ve solved by uninstalling Onlyoffice and going to the official github of OnlyOffice, in the ection of 2 “releases” (that you can find at this link Releases · ONLYOFFICE/DesktopEditors · GitHub).
I switched to the 8.1.1 version, when you click on “Onlyoffice 8.1.1” you need to install the file named “onlyoffice-desktopeditors_amd64.deb”,

then you can run the command from your terminal (from the folder where you installed .deb file): “sudo dpkg -i onlyoffice-desktopeditors_amd64.deb”,

If it gives you some errors then run this command: “sudo apt-get install -f”, this resolves missing dependecies

Now everything works well. @IrdiIs