Text document API method request: Api.CreateGroup

In the Presentation API you can group Shapes with:

Api.CreateGroup([oShape1, oShape2])

I want to group shapes in the Text document API.

Why: I want to create multiple shapes and group them, so the user can easily move the shapes without grouping them manually.

Hello @Richi
We’re checking the situation. I will update this thread when we have something to share.

Hello @Alexandre
thank you. I m going to create a Plugin, that creates a checked paper or lines, so you can create worksheets in only office.

So far i have code to generate square shapes but need to manually group them:

Do you mean that plugin will create checkered paper in docx file? Sounds great. We’re still looking into your request. I will come back to you, when we have any news.

Hello @Alexandre,
sorry for the late reply. The plugin will create checked paper in .docx files. Alot of teachers will have access to OnlyOffice in Bavaria - Germany, and i would like to help creating simple worksheets/worksheet elements.

Understood, thank you for your clarification. We’re still checking the situation. I will update this thread when we have something to share.