Tags and categories feature in Document

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I have tried a On premise install of Workspace Community Version
The installation was done using the workspace install script. The server is installed on Ubuntu Server 20.04.
We have a feature request. This is a request for feature. OnlyOffice is excellent for Document Management but a basic feature of Tags and Categories seems missing. Presently there is no way to group similar documents other than for putting them in a folder or to keep them within Project Context. in both approaches a document may not belong to more than one folder or project.
Searching of document is by name or content
Tags and Categories help in searching for and grouping similar documents.

Is there a work around or plugin for this or can this be accepted as a feature request?

Thanks for the remarkable product !

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Hey @padma

Interesting suggestion. We will definitely consider it! :+1:
I’ll update the thread as soon as I have any information on this matter!

Is there a work around or plugin for this?

I’m afraid not

Hey @padma
We have added your suggestion! :+1:
Unfortunately, at the moment, I cannot provide exact timelines for implementing this feature.

Thank you! Appreciate the promptness in response and for adding the suggestion. Looking forward to see how this turns out.

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+1 for this feature

Hi @sabnav :handshake:
You’ve also been added to the interested users list.

Thank you for using ONLYOFFICE.