Support for Chinese date formats

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In MS Excel and WPS, Ability to automatically identify Chinese date formats, like 4月9日. Automatically recognized as a custom format, like m"月"d"日 or yyyy"年"m"月"d"日", and so on.
If you open such an xlsx file in spreadsheet, Such a date format will be displayed as a normal number. For example, 4月9日will be displayed as 44660.

OS version: linux, windows
App version: 6, 7
Downloaded from: ONLYOFFICE website / Other (specify)

Hello @jyjyjin
Could you please provide us with an example of xlsx file which correctly works with Chinese date format in MS Excel? We will check it out and discuss internally.

Hello @Alexandre
Ok. I uploaded a example file using This is the download link: WeTransfer - Send Large Files & Share Photos Online - Up to 2GB Free

Hello @jyjyjin
Thank you for provided file. We added your request to internal tracklist (internal number - 38377). We have started working on it.

okay thank you.

Good day! Glad to inform you that the issue has been addressed in the newest version of Document Server!

okay thank you so much.

Hello @Dmitry
I downloaded the latest version, tested it, and found that the issue was not resolved. I took a screenshot in wps, please look at it again. Thank you.

Hello @jyjyjin
Please accept our sincere apologies. We have informed you incorrectly. The fix for mentioned situation will be placed in v.7.2 which will be release this summer.
Sorry for inconvenience. We will update this post when v.7.2 released.

Ok. Thank you.

Hello @jyjyjin
We just released Desktop Editors v.7.2 which includes a fix for described situation. Please run the update process and check the result.

web-apps have the same problem

documentserver 7.3.2

Hello @jinxiaoyu
Please update your installation to the latest version (v.7.5.1) and double-check the situation. If the issue still persists, we are kindly asking for a test file and step-by-step test scenario.