Sugestion - search and replace with custom lists (create or import from txt)

I want to create or import search and replace lists to make this task faster and more automated. For example: if a document uses one type of abbreviations and I want to replace all or some of them with another type of abbreviation, with these lists would be much easier and faster.

Hello @debastosj
Please provide us with detailed description of desired scenario. If it’s possible, draw a scheme and show us your scenario (step-by-step).

In my case, I often need to change abbreviations of the books of the Bible that differ between publications and the language of the document. So instead of replacing one by one, I liked to create (or import) an automatic search and replace list to change all the abbreviations at once.
I hope I’m explaining myself well. Thanks

Thank you for your description. We need some time to discuss it internally. I’ll update this thread when we have something to share.

Hello @debastosj
We have added your idea to internal tracksystem (internal number - 59319). We have started working on it.

Thanks. In a search I had already done, this was a requested functionality in many places but only possible by VBA or third-party applications like Kutools for word or Trans Tools Multiple Find & Replace.

I’ll update this thread when we have something to share. We just have started working on it and we need to discuss internally how to achieve your desired scenario.