Style creation/edition

I am running OnlyOffice 8.1.1 under Nextcloud
I am struggling to find a way to create or edit new style on DOC file, deseperately…

Under OnlyOffice Excel Sheet, i can see a button to perfom this.

Any help ?

Thank you !

Hello @kan

I am verifying this possibility. In the meantime, you can use following article to apply existing style to required cells:

Hello again @kan

I have found out that, unfortunately, currently there is no way to create or change current cell styles. Suggestion to implement this possibility was registered earlier so your request was added to it. Once this feature becomes available in the editor, we will let you know.

Sorry for inconvenience.

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A big thanks to you @Constantine for you help

Have a nice day ahead.

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Thanks, you too. I will inform you once this suggestion is implemented.