Spreadsheet - suggestion - add a preview button to the advance setting pop-up for graphics


In order to make the graphics customisation easier, a preview button would be nice :

It would update the graphic but not for good.
If the user clicks ok, then changes are applied, if (s)he clicks “cancel”, the it’s back to the previous settings.

thanks for studying this idea.

Hello, @arcqus :wave:

We’ll consider your suggestion!

Hello @arcqus
If you don’t mind, I will step into this thread too.
Could you please point us to such feature in another editor , if it’s possible? Or could you please provide us with detailed step-by-step description of your vision for the implementation of this function?

Hi @Alexandre

It was an idea coming from my use of the product. I was updating the advance settings of a chart, and not seeing the consequences of my tweaking “live” but having to click ok felt like a bummer.

I checked google sheets, they are directly updating the chart when you change its settings (no “preview” button):

I guess google’s way is not a bad one, I’m not sure I’ll be able to compete with them :wink:

Thank you! We are looking into it.

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