I have tested it just now on actual version of Desktop Editors and it always opens up a spreadsheet at the last saved position.
Please provide version of the app that you are using and OS of your system. In general, does it happen to any spreadsheet or a particular one?
Also, if possible, please record a video demo of the issue for better visual understanding.
With the last version on my win11 computer, I have the same issue (I don’t use the tab view but open each file in a separated view). Maybe it is the source of the issue ?
I think I opened a case a few months ago.
Thanks for testing and your feedback.
It happens with 1 particular workbook, which has 11 worksheets, of which the main one has 600 lines, whereas the others have a few lines each.
Every time I open that file the active cell is A454, I don’t know why because there is no unusual data in there.
I cannot make a demo nor send you a copy because there is sensitive data in it.
I too came across similar issue issue, spreadsheet not opening at last saved position…
As per my testing if “Freeze Pane” option is used anywhere in the sheet then it always goes to the beginning of the file.
If freeze pane option is not used then it opens somewhere near at last saved position.
I have created a sample file plz check
Note: in this excel freeze pane option is enabled for 3rd row and added few dots and zeros in cell/row 120 & saved it here, but when you open it will show beginning of the file.
Then unfreeze pane, save and close the file and then reopen and check you will notice the difference.
Thank you @MKVRC for valuable data. @arcqus@Klaas-Vaak do you also have any frozen panes in your spreadsheets?
I’ve tested in separate window but it also opened the spreadsheet in its last saved position.
Are there any changes saved before you open the spreadsheet? I.e. you work in it, save those changes, then open it again and it loads on that particular cell, is that your scenario?
I’d like to inform you that we have registered the issue with last position and frozen panes as bug. Once again thank you for reporting it. We are already working on it.