Spreadsheet merged cells - Autofit stopped working

Windows 10.
Desktop Editor Suite.
version (x64 exe)

I have merged cells that 2 weeks ago were autofitting the text contents vertically but after launching the desktop app today this no longer works.

Is there a manual autofit button or some other feature that I’m overlooking? Or is this a bug?

I’ve attached a screenshot that I hope will help someone put me straight.

The cells above cell A24 display correctly.


Hello @Atlas

Usually such behavior appears when height of the cell was anyhow changed manually.
To reset it back to previous state you can simply double-click the bottom border of the row, here is demo for better visual understanding on how to:

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Hi, thanks for your reply.

Unfortunately, double clicking on the bottom border as you’ve shown doesn’t work for me. I guess I can manually do it so it’s a solution of a sort but it’s still not how I was doing it 2 weeks ago. It was just auto fitting the contents.

I’ve tried another a brand new workbook and the same issue exists. It’s quite frustrating.

I wonder, if you merge 2 or more cells does your solution still work?

Sorry, I didn’t notice that merged cells were used. Yes, in case with merged cells it is expected behavior that AutoFit cannot be applied to cells merged with cells from near columns.

This is default behavior in many spreadsheet processors. I believe in previous version was a bug that is fixed now.

Hi, thanks for the update.

So, it was working previously due to a bug? How strange as it seems like an excellent feature and was really helpful. I guess in the interim my app autoupdated which would explain why it has now stopped working.

I checked several previous versions, only 8.1.0 had this behavior, so, yes, it was definitely a bug.