Spreadsheet Editor Protection tab missing

I have an issue with the protection tab in the spreadsheet editor. It is present in the files I create, but not in those shared with me. Is there a way to display it please?



OnlyOffice spreadsheet Editors v.

Hi @Vivien, please describe the issue in more detail. :pray:

If you have the ability, please attach screenshots illustrating the differences when using your scenario.

Hi Nikolas,

I am working on spreadsheet files hosted on the Owncloud platform.
If I share a new spreadsheet file with other users, I have access to the protection tab.
However, if another user shares one with me, I no longer have access to the protection tab.

Thank you for your assistance.


Hello @Vivien,
This behavior is expected for the integration of ONLYOFFICE with ownCloud


Hello Nikolas,

Thank you for that clarification


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