Spell Check List of Words

Could we add a panel that shows all the words that are triggered via spell check. This way with long documents, we could have all the words that are spelled incorrectly and have the users jump to it (or at least show them information on how to find it like page number).

Hello @pautan

I’m not quite sure if I understand correctly your question - what kind of panel your are referring to? Have you seen such feature in any other editor?

Hello Constantine, thank you for responding. This is just a suggestion. A user had provided feedback and wanted to know if this was a feature that seems reasonable to create. Their exact wording is

Clicking the “Spell checking” icon in the Editor only allows you to toggle spell check on or off. It would be great if spell check could be opened in a sidebar (see image) so you could check all spelling at once.

Currently, you have to scroll through the document and rely on noticing each red underline that pops up within the document. This is inefficient and prone to error, especially considering the watermarks that block text and cause additional distraction.

From my understanding, they want a sidebar that lists all the words that are flagged by the spell checker.

To follow up on your other question, I believe it may be similar to what we see in Microsoft Word when you click the spell checker.
In Microsoft word, they go through all the words that need to be spell checker. That may be the feature they are expecting, but from my understanding, having a list of words that are flagged by the spell checker may also work.
Here is a proof of concept on what I believe the user may want.

Can you provide a link to the mentioned functionality in MS Word please? I’d help us understand it much better.

By the way, I’m not quite following to whom you are referring as ‘they’. Do you have end users? If so, with commercial license you can contact us via helpdesk.onlyoffice.com to get prompt replies.

I believe this is the feature in Microsoft Word.

Thank you for the link. We are taking closer look at your suggestion. I will provide feedback as soon as possible.

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I’d like to inform you that the suggestion to implement grammar check is registered. Unfortunately as of now I cannot provide ETA. Once it becomes available, we will notify you.

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