Snap installation not work


I have a new VM (Ubuntu 22.04 LTS) by IONOS and have installed OO with Snap:

snap install onlyoffice-ds

No error occured.

If I set the command “snap list --all” I get this as output:

Name           Version        Rev    Tracking       Publisher    Notes
core20         20230503       1891   latest/stable  canonical✓   base,disabled
core20         20231123       2105   latest/stable  canonical✓   base
core22         20231123       1033   latest/stable  canonical✓   base
lxd            5.0.2-838e1b2  24322  5.0/stable/…   canonical✓   -
onlyoffice-ds  7.5.1          190    latest/stable  onlyoffice✓  -
snapd          2.59.2         19122  latest/stable  canonical✓   snapd,disabled
snapd          2.60.4         20290  latest/stable  canonical✓   snapd

If I now access to OnlyOffice with my URL there is only the normal index.html showing and not OnlyOffice!

Which steps did I forget?

Thanks and Regard!

Hello Michael,

If you see an index.html page when opening the address of your server in the browser, it means port 80 is already occupied by a web server. Please try installing the Docs snap package on a different port:


thank you.
I have first set to the port 8888

snap set onlyoffice-ds onlyoffice.ds-port=8888

and it works.
In my Plesk program I have installed for the Subdomain ( a let’s encript certificate. ( I need https to connect to nextcloud)

So I change the port from onlyoffice again from 8888 to 443

snap set onlyoffice-ds onlyoffice.ds-port=443

And it do not work.



You need to name the SSL certificate and key files as onlyoffice.crt and onlyoffice.key respectively, and then copy them to this directory:

cp onlyoffice.key /var/snap/onlyoffice-ds/current/var/www/onlyoffice/Data/certs/
cp onlyoffice.crt /var/snap/onlyoffice-ds/current/var/www/onlyoffice/Data/certs/

and run

snap restart onlyoffice-ds

as per the instruction: GitHub - ONLYOFFICE/snap-documentserver: The ONLYOFFICE Document Server snap package for the snap package system