Single icon for spreadsheet in taskbar

Dear community,

I would like to have a single icon for spreadsheet in taskbar instead of the main icon for desktop editors.
Is there a simple way to get this done?


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Some times ago, I raised the same question for each app.
OO staff answered they where going to study the question.

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I managed to achieve a result, but I would not say that it was “simple”.


My Taskbar is docked to the left edge, that’s why it is vertical…

But to do it;

  • I had to create a new copy of the shortcut to OnlyOffice in the Start menu.
  • Add the switch “–new:cell” to the new shortcut’s Target.
  • I changed to Icon to OnlyOffice’s spreadsheet from within OO’s executable.
  • Unpin the OO icon from the Taskbar
  • Pin new shortcut to the Taskbar with the right-click context menu option

As far as I can determine, only shortcuts in the start menu can be pinned to the Taskbar, and no duplicate applications can be pinned, so the spreadsheet version would have replace the main icon.

Even when the spreadsheet shortcut is in the start menu, it is not visible, except via Windows explorer.

Creating the shortcut in the start menu also raised security flags from window’s account controls, so alerts to be acknowledged will happen on every step.

One could just create a shortcut with the switch, and put it on the desktop.

Hello @StefanA @arcqus and @DavidRGreen
Indeed, we are still working on the mentioned suggestion (separate editors for docx, pptx, xlsx). I have added your request to tracksystem. Unfortunately, I cannot provide you with any timeframes at the moment, but I will update this thread when we have something to share.

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It would be a nice addition as separated icons make the workflow much smoother.
It gives you separated (hence longer) pinned and recent document list for fast start.
(right click on the taskbar icon)

Basically this is why I miss this feature, not because of the “start empty cell”


Perfect, slight correction: switch is “–new:cell”

Hello @Gabor

Thanks for your interest in this improvement.

May I ask you to provide some more details on this statement:

In my understanding you are referring to the list of files when right-clicking specific editor, however, I don’t fully understand what is meant by “longer”?

First pin Excel and Word (key is, separated) icons to the taskbar. Open a few documents in each. Right click on the icons and you will see your history and you can pin you most used ones to the top.
Key is you have two separated lists for each app. Which is twice as many documents also separated hence easier to find and open.We use this method to open a document 90% of the time.
Hence OnlyOffice is currently not as good as MS as it can only pin the joint starter. Hence you only have one list.

I see, thank you very much for clarification. Desktop Editors in their current state (being singe app for all editors) can also keep the list of all recently opened files and pin any of those.

We will take closer look at your suggestion.

Your suggestion to add independent list of recent files for each editor on Windows is noted.
However, I must inform you that currently we do not have exact plans to separate editors into stand-alone apps, unfortunately, but we are always open for feedback and really appreciate any interest in this improvement.

Thank you for suggestion and sorry if any inconvenience was caused.

Hi @Constantine
For people using the desktop editors, it would be a simple change but a really useful one…
And not only on windows, but also on Linux.