Setting the font, font size and paragraph spacing

Does anyone know how to change the font, the font size and the spacing after a paragraph, especially in terms of the pre-made formatting templates Normal, Heading etc.? I looked through User Guides but I couldn’t find anything on this.

Thanks for help!


If you mean setting default settings for the documents, unfortunately, this feature is unavailable in ONLYOFFICE.
If I misunderstand your question, could you please provide more details.

That’s exactly what I meant. Nobody from onlyoffice could answer this. They referred to the User Guide on how to set the font but I know how to do that.

Regret to inform you, but this feature is currently unavailable in ONLYOFFICE. We have forwarded your suggestion to our development team for further consideration.

I answer very late
with some info that can help (a little)
but which has major drawbacks

OnfyOffice Desktop installs its models in a folder of the application itself.
under linux for example
(<= attention to your language)

There are 3 files new.docx new.pptx and new.xslx
It is not possible to directly edit these files in the folder.
but you can create new ones and replace old ones.

At the next opening you will have your own models.

But! During updates OnlyOffice will overwrite your files and you will have to start over.

If R&D could add a “templates” folder
with in “File” a Templates section which from the dotx docx potx pptx files … present in this folder created a new document.