Service did not start under arm64 docker version

Documentserver version:onlyoffice/documentserver:latest
OS : Kylin Linux Advanced Server release V10 (Sword)
Architecture: aarch64
Docker version : Docker version 20.10.5

I follow the guide Installing ONLYOFFICE Docs Docker version for arm64 - ONLYOFFICE
and run this command :

sudo docker run -i -t -d -p 9999:80 --net onlyoffice --restart=always -e JWT_SECRET=my_jwt_secret onlyoffice/documentserver:latest

use docker logs command to check logs and shows:

postgresql: unrecognized service
rabbitmq-server: unrecognized service
Waiting for connection to the localhost host on port 5432
Waiting for connection to the localhost host on port 5432
Waiting for connection to the localhost host on port 5432
Waiting for connection to the localhost host on port 5432
Waiting for connection to the localhost host on port 5432
Waiting for connection to the localhost host on port 5432
Waiting for connection to the localhost host on port 5432
Waiting for connection to the localhost host on port 5432
Waiting for connection to the localhost host on port 5432
Waiting for connection to the localhost host on port 5432

I try to go into the container and start postgresql manually,but fail.

what would I do now?

Hi @samwell :handshake:

Can you install a newer version of Docker? (23 or higher)

Thank you @Nikolas .
I follow this guid Installing ONLYOFFICE Docs for Docker on KylinOS - ONLYOFFICE and add the option --security-opt seccomp=unconfined, the service runs well now.

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