Send and receive data between ngx-onlyoffice and a custom OnlyOffice plugin

I have integrated the ngx-onlyoffice plugin into my Angular application to load the OnlyOffice server. I would like to know how to send and receive data between ngx-onlyoffice and a custom OnlyOffice plugin. Please provide instructions on how to configure this.

Hello @chiragencodedots
As far as I understand, you have contacted colleagues of mine via Zendesk recently. Please do not post the same request in different communication channels. My colleagues will contact you via Zendesk shortly.

I would like to see the answer, I have the same problem.

Hello @gustavo.quinalha
The topic starter discussed the possibility to pass user identity and some other details to plugin so they can make API requests accordingly. There’re probably two possible scenarios to achieve it:
A. You have to implement a request from your plugin to your app to obtain id tag. In this scenario, plugin sends a request and your app provides necessary data.
B. You can try using Automation API as I mentioned earlier: ONLYOFFICE Api Documentation - Automation API This way you can use plugin methods to achieve the same result (for example, you can pass data from external source via a query string). Please bear in mind that the Connect method requires Developer license.

If you have different question, please create a separate topic to provide us with details of the situation.