Selection Box Not Following My Cursor When I Type in Chinese

OS version: Windows11

App version: (x64 exe)

Downloaded from: ONLYOFFICE website

Additional information:
When typing in Chinese, the selection box stays far away from where I input. i.e. the selection box is always at the top left of my screen when I try to add notes for a slide, and similar issues appear in spreadsheet editor too (Not sure in doc editor).

I am using Windows11 and Microsoft Pinyin, the issue only happens in onlyoffice.

Please let me know if any additional info needed, thanks so much:)

Hello @Akira

Can you record this behavior on video for better visual understanding?

@Constantine Hi there, sorry for late reply.

The following pic is what I’m having when writing notes for slides.

And for spreadsheets, it seems like the selection box getting more far way as the cell getting to bottom-right, it was close to cell A1 while here’s what it looks like when i type in F7

It’s hard for me to record on my laptop right now, I hope the screenshots will help, thanks so much:)

Thank you very much. We will take closer look at this situation and I’ll let you know the results.

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Can you check if your Windows has any updates? Recently I’ve updated my OS and since then I cannot reproduce the issue in spreadsheet editor.

In presentation editor this happens even after the update, bug was registered to investigate this issue. Thank you for reporting it.

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Hi there, thanks for the message. I just completed the newest update on my PC while it seems no changes after then… Anyway I really appreciate your help and hope that issue can be fixed later.

I will notify you once these issues are resolved and new version with fixes is available for update.